Friday, January 29, 2010

Bath Mat No Suction Cups I Have Marks In My 1922 Clawfoot Tub From The Bath Mat. The Suction Cups Left The Marks Is This Mold?

I have marks in my 1922 clawfoot tub from the bath mat. The suction cups left the marks is this mold? - bath mat no suction cups

Mold is more likely. Suction bath mats have a tendency to do that.


LARRY M said...

If I were you I would try to remove, with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) ... itself as the only thing to remove blood stains from cotton or stains showed almost all other material. So, my suggestion (because I, I 'Everything , which is not promising m) is trying to hydrogen peroxide. If it works, do not forget to come back and we know what ... to remember something, right?

fishing6... said...

Hard to say. Try an inch of bleach mixed with water in the tank and let stand for half an hour, then drain them. You must remove that bothers you, then no matter what they were.

ryanandw... said...

Yes, very likely, but it must be clean, with a little help from a base of bleach .. clean bathroom, I would try a non-abrasive 1 .. If this fails, you can try a small amount of the comet, or maybe even some CLR ..

yo said...

It is likely that the form. Try rubbing or Tilex Mold Remover - Thats good stuff.

yo said...

It is likely that the form. Try rubbing or Tilex Mold Remover - Thats good stuff.

aggie said...

I would try to bleach diluted. Just fill the tub enough to cover the spots and a little bleach. Read the label on the bottle of bleach, will tell you how.
Coming out of the tub to lift the carpet. I know it does not recur.

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