Friday, February 5, 2010

Herpes And Igm Herpes Rubella And CVM IGG Positive. Can We Conceive?

Herpes Rubella and CVM IGG positive. Can we conceive? - herpes and igm

My wife has herpes, rubella and GVC IgG positive (IgM) negative. It miscarraige 4 months ago. We want to think again? Should I also did some tests


Essen said...

Of course you can also plan to design, but better advice, for at least 3 months after a rubella infection alone. Usually rubella infection, as such, can cause miscarriages, birth defects, but are often born to mothers who contracted rubella infection during pregnancy. Toxic effects of drugs administered antiviral drugs that are potentially teratogenic to .. Herpes is usually benign and often as a result of a person who enjoyed similar immunity, viruses such as chickenpox, but the antibody or an immune system of the body is not reached the level to protect the whole body of different types of viral and bacterial infections as well. So wait a little longer. This should not stop the antiviral drug prescribed by physicians after the course. Fear not, made the outcome of free reading, immediately after a full course of treatment, as they continue high for some time, especially since the drugs are not necessary ..

With respect for you if you have had rubella, INFN., Should certainly be tested for semen analysis orf the previous plan, as all the glands of the body and testes is designed inflamed.which also a cause of male infertility .. The count, mobility and other anomalies can be tested, as directed by your doctor in this sense, rather than regret it later ..

If you have not yet contacted the vaccination against rubella is especially available, the ideal choice when the doctor advises so.Waiting some time, and good planning in this respect more for ever, with repeated spontaneous abortions and regret secondary infertility.

as you like it said...

They should improve themselves, their sexual habits. You know what kind of complications entails. if they are currently conceived, will undoubtedly be another miscarriage. with the first proper medication. acyclovir can help, but only under medical supervision. This process takes atleast 1 month before returning to normalcy can. Once you try it again. You should not have intercourse during this time, because if one of you recovering from the disease can also transfer other, and both would be likely to escape the disease. Maintaining the cleanliness of their genitals and wash your clothes and clothing, including Dettol antiseptic. If your wife has all diseases, is safe when you have sex with her. Get your tests done and no sex for atleast a month since wolud 100% secure afterwards. Increase their immunity so that you can not get these diseases often vitamin E capsules if necessary.

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